Monday, October 18, 2021

The Church of the Common Ground


Church of the Common Ground is a church community on the streets of Atlanta living the Good News that we are all God's beloved

The Church of the Common Ground is a worshiping community of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. We are a “church without walls” on the streets of Atlanta, providing support for the pastoral and spiritual needs of women, men and youth who live on the margins of our city. We welcome people of all faith backgrounds, and those who seek a new connection to faith.

Common Ground aims to be a faithful, consistent presence and a witness to Christ’s love for all people. We work to share the good news with the un-housed, the urban poor and other underserved people that they are God’s beloved. We offer comfort and relationship through pastoral, social and health care connections and referrals.

Since worship includes many homeless those that live in the streets of downtown Atlanta, following, the worship service, The Church of Common Ground provides a lunch consisting of a sandwich, some fruit and a cookie. This began as soon Common Ground people were brought together for worship.

Church of the Common Ground began with the inspiration and hard work of the Reverend Bob Book and Holly Book, who were inspired by their experience with Ecclesia Ministries at Common Cathedral in Boston. In 2006 on Christmas Eve, CCG held its first Holy Communion service in Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta. We have worshiped in or near the park every Sunday since.

The heart of the Church of the Common Ground is prayer and worship. Like the early church, we continue the teaching, fellowship and prayers of community. We know that we are called to walk in love...and that love is rooted in prayer.

Annually, approximately 5,000 people worship, pray and share fellowship with one another at Church of the Common Ground services and programs. Our core congregation membership is 50 to 60 people. Common Ground offers prayer and worship experiences each week.   

All our welcome to attend these worship opportunities.

The Rev. Kim Jackson, Vicar, Common Ground


St. Benedict's Preparing Sandwiches for the Church of Common Ground

The Church of the Common Ground

  Church of the Common Ground  is a church community on the streets of Atlanta living the Good News that we are all God's beloved The Ch...